![<div>PARENT INVOLVEMENT</div> icon]()
We welcome parent involvement at C.K. Price Middle School. Research shows that students whose parents are involved in their education generally achieve higher grades and test scores, attend school more regularly, do their homework more consistently and exhibit more positive attitudes and behavior.
Please visit the school office any time and stay in touch with your student's teachers and counselor - see the Staff Directory for phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
We also welcome community participation, including donations of time, money, materials and expertise.
To help you know what's going on at school, check out these services for parents and community members:
Join the Parent Club and stay involved with your student's education.
Student Handbook
Check out the student handbook for details of school programs, courses, rules and services. The Student Handbook is available in English (click here) and Spanish (click here).
Aeries is our attendance and gradebook program.The use of the Aeries Parent Portal enables the parent or guardian to work effectively with the teacher and school to help each student succeed.
The account is created when you provide us with an email address with your student's paperwork. Aeries will then send you a link. If you did not receive a link, you can pick up the information at the C.K Price office. You will need to create the account using this link and the information obtained at the office. If you do not have an email address, you will need to create one and provide us with the email address.
The mobile phone app is available here.
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